I’m Still Alive!

Wow, it’s been nearly two years since I last posted on here, plans for this didn’t go quite how I expected lol.

Time for quick recap:

Now writing beer news for Saint Brewis.

At long last, advanced to the National Homebrew Competition Finals.

Three championships (Bootheel Beerfest, Arbormeisters and Ballpark Village Brewfest)

Took first in a BJCP sanctioned competition (which sent me on to the National Homebrew Competition Finals)

Saw one of my beers brewed at Anheuser Busch in their Research and Pilot Brewery, with the release party planned for Dec. 6, 2017.

Total official award count over the past two years is at 28. 33 if you count certificates and in house club competition awards.

Interviewed/featured on two podcasts. One for Saint Brewis, the other for Cerebral Entertainment.

Met my hero Sam Calagione from Dogfish Head.

Learned how to distill.

Assisted in two commercial brew days and was the lead brewer for a pilot batch at another.

Still Vice President for the St. Louis Brewminati, and saw one of my beers put on tap and sold at Steampunk Brew Works.


When I started all this nearly six years ago, never thought it would reach this point. Never thought I’d win championships, never thought I’d brew a beer that would be sold commercially, never thought Anheuser Busch of all places would brew one of my recipes. And never thought I’d be so glad to be wrong. Dreams and miracles do happen, but the trick is you gotta work for them and work hard in order to see them occur.


Until next time, good bye and good night. BANG!

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